Volunteering with Discovery
Felicity a PhD student & Project Co-ordinator writes all about her volunteering experience with Discovery.

Being involved in Discovery has really helped enhance my time at Swansea University. As a PhD student I am a class of one, and so it was hard at first to get to know others at first. I joined Discovery initially to take part in a few of the projects such as Gadget Explorers, Connect, Wellbeing Champions and Food Swansea, and this slowly expanded to taking on additional roles and work.
While volunteering for Wellbeing Champions, lockdown happened and I had to shield, Discovery and the volunteering opportunities allowed me to stay involved with the local community and outside world. Many people had left halls to go home, but because of my PhD and the fact I couldn’t travel home safely I remained in Swansea and being able to participate either as a participant or a volunteer in the various projects was a definite help to my mental wellbeing.
I also signed up to sew NHS scrubs and made ear savers, specifically designing, and making some superhero themed ones to go to a paediatric ward to match the superhero scrubs. All of this allowed me to gain new skills, make new friends and stay engaged during a time when I was feeling quite isolated due to shielding.
I then decided to sign up to be a Project Co-Ordinator (PC) for Wellbeing Champions as I was already attending and volunteering weekly and was familiar with how things were running as the project had had to move online. Managing a team of volunteers and ensuring weekly events that reflect the wants of students attending has been a welcome challenge this year and given me a wide range of new skills, but it has also allowed me to make new friends especially as Discovery has a real family atmosphere and ensures that those who take on leadership roles have additional support such as weekly check ins and group sessions such as games nights and escape rooms.

My experience as a PC was so positive that I then ran to be a Trustee and this has also been as positive as my role as a Project Co-ordinator, and given me additional opportunities to grow and gain skills within Discovery while also making new friends and enhancing my time at University.