
Discovery works hard to provide support and opportunities to the local community and around Swansea.

Active 18

Supported Volunteering Scheme

The Supported Volunteering Scheme works with adults with learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum Conditions, mental health conditions, physical disabilities and other challenges. We support them with volunteering with us, in other departments in the University or with other charities.

Discovery Children in Need Projects

We have a range of children in need projects that provide wellbeing packs and fun days for children aged 8+ years old.

The projects aim to build children’s confidence and self esteem and broaden their horizons through new skills, thoughts and ideas! Get in touch with Discovery for a referral form.

We also have a range of online Inspire activities and resources that have been created by student volunteers and are free for anyone to use.

Penpal Project

Discovery hosts a penpal exchange where community members, young and old, are paired with a student volunteer to exchange letters and cards.

Get in touch with Discovery for more information –