Give It A GO Week

Croeso! Welcome to this year’s Give it a Go Week! What is Give it a Go Week you might ask? It’s a week-long event that showcases the many projects and volunteering opportunities available with Discovery SVS. The sessions run anywhere from an hour, to four hours and are taster sessions to get you started in the world of volunteering!
This year, Give it a Go Week runs from the 25th of October through to the 1st of November. With a range of practical activities e.g. beach cleans and the Vetch community allotment, to supporting refugee and asylum seekers through ‘Welcome to Swansea Letters’, to training sessions – there’s something for everyone to get involved in! We also have a few exciting webinars, virtual volunteering opportunities and cultural and historical opportunities e.g. Egypt Centre tour, volunteering at the Richard Burton Archives and Welsh lessons!
There’s more! If you participate in seven hours or more of volunteering between Monday 25th October & Monday 1st November you can apply for a Discovery Volunteering Certificate. To do this just email with your name and what volunteering sessions you attended.

And! There’s an opportunity to win prizes! All you have to do is download the Give it a Go Week Bingo Card and cross off the six activities. If you cross off all six activities email with your name to claim your prize!

To get involved in this year’s Give it a Go Week or to check out any of our events, head over to Fatsoma!
Croeso i Wythnos Rhowch Gynnig Arni! Beth yw Wythnos Rhowch Gynnig Arni y gallech ei ofyn? Mae’n ddigwyddiadau dros wythnos o hyd sy’n arddangos y nifer fawr o brosiectau a chyfleoedd gwirfoddoli sydd ar gael gyda Discovery SVS. Mae’r sesiynau’n rhedeg yn unrhyw le o awr, i bedair awr ac yn sesiynau blasu sy’n rhoi cyflwyniad i’r byd gwirfoddoli!
Eleni, mae Wythnos Rhowch Gynnig Arni yn rhedeg o’r 25ain o Hydref hyd at y 1af o Dachwedd. Gydag ystod o weithgareddau ymarferol e.e. glanhau traeth a rhandir cymunedol y Vetch, i gefnogi ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches trwy ‘Llythyrau Croeso i Abertawe’, i sesiynau hyfforddi – mae rhywbeth i bawb gymryd rhan ynddo! Mae gennym hefyd ychydig o webinarau cyffrous, cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli ar-lein a chyfleoedd diwylliannol a hanesyddol e.e. Taith Canolfan yr Aifft, gwirfoddoli yn Archifau Richard Burton a gwersi Cymraeg!
Mae mwy! Os ydych chi’n cymryd rhan mewn saith awr neu fwy o wirfoddoli rhwng dydd Llun 25 Hydref a dydd Llun 1af Tachwedd, gallwch wneud cais am Dystysgrif Gwirfoddoli Discovery. I wneud hyn, e-bostiwch gyda’ch enw a pha sesiynau gwirfoddoli y buoch chi ynddynt.

Hefyd! Mae cyfle i ennill gwobrau! Y cyfan sy’n rhaid i chi ei wneud yw lawrlwytho’r Cerdyn Bingo Wythnos Rhowch Gynnig Arni a chroesi’r chwe gweithgaredd. Os byddwch chi’n croesi pob un o’r chwe gweithgaredd, e-bostiwch gyda’ch enw i gofrestu’ch gwobr!

I gymryd rhan yn Wythnos Rhowch Gynnig Arni eleni neu i edrych ar unrhyw un o’n digwyddiadau, ewch draw i Fatsoma!