Age Cymru Befriender Week – Combating Loneliness

Back in June Age Cymru launched a service that allowed lonely individuals in need of a friend in Wales the opportunity to have a weekly telephone call. The phone calls for people in Wales 70 and over was created as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, lock downs and isolations meant a lot of people needed a friend.
Discovery is proud to work with Age Cymru on the project and encourage student volunteers to become befrienders. Currently there are 14 Discovery volunteers volunteering as Age Cymru Befrienders.
The service has been very successful, but we are always striving to continue the good work. We are looking for more volunteers to sign up to the campaign to connect with older people on a weekly 30-minute friendship call. If you would like to become a befriender sign up to Discovery
What is telephone friendship?
As people get older, some may find they spend more time on their own. This can sometimes feel lonely, boring or make people miss friends or family. As a befriender you will offer free telephone friendship services for older people so they can enjoy chatting with someone over the phone, all from the comfort of their home.
It’s a fun, safe, easy way to get to know someone new from the comfort of your own home. Lots of people tell us the chats are the highlight of their week.
What is the overall purpose of the role?
By signing up to become a befriender, you’re helping reduce social isolation and loneliness in older people in our communities. Regular social interaction can help to build confidence, self-esteem, and structure for someone, amongst many other positive outcomes. Befriending projects could not function without people like you.
What would happen without befriender volunteers?
- More people would become lonely and fearful which can then lead to negative effects on their mental health.
- People are more at risk of taking help from unscrupulous people who are not trustworthy who may take advantage of them.
- There could be further and unnecessary strain on the NHS and/or adult social services/caring services.
What do our volunteers say about the project?
“The befriender telephone service gives you the benefits of feeling like you are improving someone’s life just by listening and being there, it is very rewarding!
The conversations go both ways, and it truly is now a strong friendship, I just as much look forward to my phone calls as much as my friend and finding out what the week has had in store for the two of us and giggling together at the funny ways life can throw things at you but always with positivity, a laugh and some hope, things seem so much better.”
- Natalie Jarvis MSc Strategic Marketing
How to Become a Friend
To volunteer – Sign up to Discovery and we then send them to Age Cymru to be matched with a friend.