Action for elders

Action for elders is a charity that wants to improve older people’s lives by ending loneliness through local support with mental, physical and social programmes. I volunteered at the Action for elders Christmas party on the 24th November 2021, which aimed to allow older people to celebrate Christmas with others and create special memories.
Over 250 older adults attended the party, and it was so lovely to see everyone so happy.
I didn’t know what to expect when I signed up for the event, but I have always had a passion for helping others, and I thought this event was something I had to be a part of. The day entailed packing goodie bags for everyone to take home, overseeing guests as they arrived, seating them at their table, and ensuring they had what they needed throughout the party. One lady, in particular, was 95 years old and had trouble walking and getting around, so I was appointed to look after her during the party and make sure she enjoyed herself. She was lovely to talk to for such a short time, and to see her so overjoyed about the experience at the end was heart warming.

The whole day was very rewarding, and I loved seeing everyone so happy and thankful when they left. We handed out the goodie bags to everyone as they left the party, which allowed us to thank them for joining us and wish them a Happy Christmas. I would happily volunteer for this charity again as I can tell how much it meant to everyone who attended, and I can see how much of a difference a few hours can make