Making Sense of Poverty Training

/ February 21, 2023/ Uncategorized

Poverty impacts every dimension of society, yet it remains a topic of misapprehension and vilification. Fairer Future offers training to anyone wanting to build their knowledge of poverty. Through the delivery of interactive workshops – “Making Sense of Poverty” – Fairer Future equips people with a factual understanding of what poverty means, enabling an understanding of the reality of living in poverty through powerful and engaging exercises. 

How is poverty defined? What causes it? What can I do to make a difference? “Making Sense of Poverty” encourages you to question your own understandings of poverty and enables you to speak with confidence to challenge bigoted perceptions. 

Ultimately, this session will stimulate your empathy, understanding, and actions to achieve a fairer society. Because after all, as Fairer Future puts it: “when knowledge is missing, myth and judgement can creep in”.  

Sign up to the Making Sense of Poverty session on the volunteer platform here: