Being the Project Coordinator of Building Blocks

/ May 17, 2024/ Uncategorized

Anna, Lego Club Project Coordinator talks about what she has learnt over the last year:

“Being a Project coordinator has taught me many life skills I have improved my organisation, learnt how to complete risk assessments, kept on top of emails and organised a group of volunteers. I had help every step of the way but have become independent in my office hours organising transport volunteers, socials and icebreaker activities.

In the school each week I explain the icebreaker and get the kids involved, with help from the volunteers I then get them into their groups and hand out sets. The volunteers do a great job sitting with them patiently I either joined groups helping them to describe and keeping them on task or I would walk around check on the different groups and keep the time. The first few sessions the children would get frustrated with each other, struggle to describe the pieces and fight a lot about their roles. As the sessions progressed the children became excited to be making progress on their builds and their focus improved and they became more patient with each other describing the pieces and being kinder to each other when they got it wrong. The children grew so much in their ability to work together and describe.

Throughout the Lego Club sessions I saw not only improvement in the class but also in the volunteers growing more confident and developing on their ability to lead the children. The volunteers came each week with so much excitement which they shared with the children making lego club fun and safe for everyone.

Lego club has helped the children and volunteers build so many skills and their feedback each week puts a smile on my face. They loved everything we did and their joy for lego was contagious. Volunteering has been something to look forward to every week it’s the perfect opportunity to develop skills and gain experience. It has allowed me to make the most of my university experience and meet so many new people, it’s prepared me for the future beyond what my degree could teach and allowed me to grow in confidence leading a class and talking to groups.”

If you have been inspired by Anna’s blog then apply to be the next Project Coordinator of Lego Club here: