My Unforgettable Adventure with Discovery SVS

/ March 21, 2024/ Uncategorized

My name is Lois Owumi alias Lopet, a master’s student of Management Business Analytics with
a passion for supporting people in any capacity including volunteering. When I first landed in the
UK, filled with dreams and lot of luggage’s, I never imagined that volunteering would become
such a pivotal part of my journey. As an international student diving into my masters, I was on
the lookout for something more than just academic achievement. That’s when Discovery SVS
popped into my life, almost like it knew I was searching for it. I stumbled upon this amazing
student volunteering organisation through a school email, and it felt like finding the missing
piece of a puzzle.

Why I Dived into Volunteering

Why did I decide to volunteer? Simple. I’ve always believed in the power of lending a hand, of
being there for someone else. Discovery SVS was like a giant playground for someone like me,
offering endless ways to help and connect with others. It wasn’t just about doing good; it was
about sharing moments, laughter, and learning with people from all walks of life.
My Journey with the GO! Team and Digital Media Team, a part of Discovery SVS
The GO! Team was my tribe from the get-go. It wasn’t just about volunteering; it was about
creating a space where everyone, regardless of where they came from, felt like they belonged.
From sharing cups of tea and stories with the elderly to leading cultural expeditions. And let’s
not forget the digital side of things – I found my voice through presentations and social media,
sharing bits of my journey and encouraging others to join in.

Being an introvert, I never thought I’d be the one leading discussions or interviews, but there I
was, stepping out of my shell, one volunteer event at a time. And guess what? It paid off in ways
I couldn’t have imagined. I found myself in a part-time paid role with Discovery, blending my love
for volunteering with my career aspirations. The joy I get from volunteering is beyond words.
Knowing I am the reason someone out there smiled today or had a fulfilled day is not something
money can buy. The amazing thing is that if you are an extrovert, there are lot of opportunities
for you. If you are an introvert like me, there are also many things you can do so never limit

Volunteering did more than just fill my heart; it transformed me. It was my bridge to
understanding the UK, its culture, and its people. It was where I found friends who turned into
family. Skills like managing projects, organizing events, and leading teams were just the cherry
on top. These experiences became my gold dust during job interviews, helping me stand out.
A Call to Fellow International Students
If you’re reading this and wondering whether volunteering is for you, let me be the nudge you
need. It’s more than just adding a line to your CV; it’s about growing roots in a new place,
finding a community, and discovering yourself along the way. Discovery SVS was my gateway
to becoming more than just a student in the UK – it made me a part of a community.
So, here’s my plea to you, especially if you’re an international student: dive into volunteering. I
can assure you, it’s worth every second. You’ll gain invaluable skills, make unforgettable
memories, integrate into the community, and most importantly, you’ll make a difference – not
just in the lives of others, but in your own too.

To those who’ve walked this path with me, thank you. And to those who are about to step into
this adventure, welcome. The world of volunteering is vast and full of surprises. Let’s explore it
together, shall we?