Log Your Hours
Each volunteer has a responsibility to log their hours after completing a volunteering session. This is a simple, automated process, with the following steps:
- Log into your account on our volunteering platform.
- On your homepage on the right hand side, you’ll see a “Opportunities With Hours To Log” section. Here, you should see your volunteering project with a “Log” button besides it. Select this button.
- Now you are able to select how many hours you volunteered for and log it. Make sure to select the “Log Hours” button afterwards!
- Now, your hours logged should increase on the projects page.
Why Should I Log My hours?
Keeping a record of what volunteering you have done is extremely important for both Discovery and for you. Upon completing 50 hours of volunteering, students are eligible to apply for our first tier of the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) award. This is an official recognition on their degree transcript, which showcases the achievements that students accomplish outside of academia whilst at university.
Keeping records of all volunteered hours helps Discovery in justifying to our funders the work that we do. Through having physical evidence of actual volunteering hours completed by students, we can also ask for more funding in order to keep Discovery going for years to come!