Our Team
The Discovery team is made up of many different people, performing different roles, working together towards a shared goal. Our team consists of a:
- Our staff team, who co-ordinate the logistical, day-to-day running of Discovery.
- Our trustees, split evenly between students and non-students, who hold ultimate responsibility for the charity, fulfilling our key aims.
- Our project co-coordinators, which are volunteers who take extra responsibility of organizing each project we run.
- Our volunteers, who take part in our projects, helping the local community.
Staff Team

I am Discovery’s Director. This means that support the rest of the team to do their brilliant jobs and work with the board of trustees to ensure that we are fulfilling our aims and objectives in the best way we can. I lead our funding applications and contact with our funders as well as maintaining strong links with Swansea University and with the wider community in Swansea. I also have the role of safeguarding officer within Discovery. This means that I have to ensure we are keeping all our staff, volunteers and the people we support safe, I deal with safeguarding concerns and reports.
I have worked for Discovery since 2016 and before that worked in a range of roles in different charities and other not for profit organisations. I am passionate about our collective efforts making the world better and more fair. I love that Discovery enables students to do this in an incredibly positive way.
Fi yw Cyfarwyddwr Discovery, mae hyn yn golygu cefnogi gweddill y tîm i wneud eu swyddi gwych a gweithio gyda’r bwrdd o Ymddiriedolwyr i sicrhau ein bod yn cyflawni ein nodau a’n hamcanion yn y ffordd orau y gallwn. Rwy’n arwain ein ceisiadau cyllido ac yn cysylltu â’n cyllidwyr yn ogystal â chynnal cysylltiadau cryf â Phrifysgol Abertawe a gyda’r gymuned ehangach yn Abertawe. Mae gen i hefyd rôl Swyddog Diogelu o fewn Discovery. Mae hyn yn golygu bod yn rhaid i mi sicrhau ein bod yn cadw ein holl staff, gwirfoddolwyr a’r bobl rydyn ni’n eu cefnogi’n ddiogel, rwy’n delio â phryderon ac adroddiadau diogelu.
Rwyf wedi gweithio o fewn Discovery ers 2016 a chyn hynny roeddwn wedi gweithio mewn ystod o rolau mewn gwahanol elusennau a sefydliadau dielw eraill. Rwy’n angerddol am ein hymdrechion ar y cyd i wneud y byd yn well ac yn fwy teg. Rwyf wrth fy modd bod Discovery yn galluogi myfyrwyr i wneud hyn mewn ffordd anhygoel o gadarnhaol.

Hello, I’m Kirsty and I’m the Supported Volunteering Scheme Manager. I work with disabled adults to make volunteering accessible to them, including recruiting student volunteers to work one-to-one with people who need it. I help run the Active 18 project, which provides group activities for disabled adults, focussed on promoting wellbeing. I recruit and train Swansea University staff members to take part in our projects as part of the Staff Volunteering Scheme. I also look after the Discovery training programme, making sure our volunteers have the awareness and skills they need to do their roles.
I started my journey with Discovery when I joined as a student volunteer in 2009. I was immediately struck by how dedicated to inclusivity the organisation was, and I am proud to work towards upholding that as part of the staff team.
Helo, Kirsty ydw i a fi yw Rheolwr y Cynllun Gwirfoddoli â Chefnogaeth. Rwy’n gweithio gydag oedolion anabl i wneud gwirfoddoli yn hygyrch iddynt, gan gynnwys recriwtio myfyrwyr sy’n gwirfoddoli i weithio un i un gyda phobl sydd ei angen. Rwy’n helpu i redeg y prosiect Active 18, sy’n darparu gweithgareddau grŵp i oedolion anabl, gan ganolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo lles. Rwy’n recriwtio ac yn hyfforddi aelodau staff Prifysgol Abertawe i gymryd rhan yn ein prosiectau fel rhan o’r Cynllun Gwirfoddoli Staff. Rwyf hefyd yn gofalu am y rhaglen hyfforddi Discovery, gan sicrhau bod gan ein gwirfoddolwyr yr ymwybyddiaeth a’r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt i gyflawni eu rolau.
Dechreuais fy nhaith gyda Discovery pan ymunais fel myfyriwr gwirfoddol yn 2009. Cefais fy nharo ar unwaith gan ba mor ymroddedig i gynhwysiant oedd y sefydliad, ac rwy’n falch o weithio tuag at gynnal hynny fel rhan o’r tîm staff.

I am the Volunteering Projects Manager which means I oversee what goes on across our community-based projects, both our student led and external projects. I also support our Project Coordinators to do their amazing thing with running their project activities and leading their teams of volunteers. My role is to make sure our projects are safe, interesting and challenging for volunteers and help you develop a range of helpful skills whilst having a positive impact on the community.
I have worked with Discovery since 2015 and before that worked in lots of different supporting roles in youth and community work. I love how different the day today tasks of my jobs can be and am super passionate about making sure we offer a diverse range of accessible volunteering for anyone and everyone who wants to engage!
Fi yw’r Rheolwr Prosiectau Gwirfoddoli sy’n golygu fy mod yn goruchwylio’r hyn sy’n digwydd ar draws ein prosiectau cymunedol, ein prosiectau a arweinir gan fyfyrwyr a’n prosiectau allanol. Rwyf hefyd yn cefnogi ein Cydlynwyr Prosiect i wneud eu peth ardderchog wrth redeg eu gweithgareddau prosiect ac arwain eu timau o wirfoddolwyr. Fy rôl i yw sicrhau bod ein prosiectau yn ddiogel, yn ddiddorol ac yn heriol i wirfoddolwyr a helpu nhw i ddatblygu ystod o sgiliau defnyddiol tra’n cael effaith gadarnhaol ar y gymuned.
Rwyf wedi gweithio gyda Discovery ers 2015 a chyn hynny wedi gweithio mewn llawer o rolau cefnogi gwahanol mewn gwaith ieuenctid a chymunedol. Rwyf wrth fy modd â pha mor wahanol y gall tasgau dydd-i-ddydd yn fy swyddi fod ac rwy’n hynod angerddol am sicrhau ein bod yn cynnig ystod amrywiol o wirfoddoli hygyrch i unrhyw un a phawb sydd am ymgysylltu!

Hello, my name is Sian and I’m the Volunteer Recruitment & Marketing manager. Most volunteers will come across me at some point in their volunteer journey as I am the go to person if you have a question or query about Discovery. I also manage the volunteer recruitment induction programme as well as the Discovery Ambassadors and all Discovery’s marketing and digital media. So if there is anything about Discovery you want to know about Discovery then get in touch with me and I can’t wait to meet you as you start your volunteering journey with us and come part of the Discovery family!
I’ve worked at Discovery for five years now and love the fact that my job allows me to work with a great group of humans who want to make a difference and change the world.
Helo, fy enw i yw Sian a fi yw’r Rheolwr Recriwtio a Marchnata Gwirfoddolwyr. Bydd y rhan fwyaf o wirfoddolwyr yn dod ar fy nghyfer ar ryw adeg yn eu taith gwirfoddol gan mai fi yw’r person i siarad â os oes gennych gwestiwn neu ymholiad am Discovery. Rwyf hefyd yn rheoli’r rhaglen recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr yn ogystal â’r Llysgenhadon Discovery a holl gyfryngau marchnata a digidol Discovery. Felly os oes unrhyw beth am Discovery rydych chi eisiau ei wybod yna cysylltwch â mi ac ni allaf aros i gwrdd â chi wrth i chi gychwyn ar eich taith wirfoddoli gyda ni a dod yn rhan o’r teulu Discovery!
Rwyf wedi gweithio yn Discovery ers pump blynedd bellach ac rwyf wrth fy modd â’r ffaith bod fy swydd yn caniatáu imi weithio gyda grŵp gwych o bobl sydd am wneud gwahaniaeth a newid y byd.

Hi, I’m Emma and I’m responsible for social media and marketing! This includes creating all promotional materials, liaising with other departments and organisations, planning events, managing our social media, and being your first line of contact for all things Discovery! I have been a volunteer for 4 years including being a trustee, project coordinator, ambassador, and President, and I just couldn’t leave! I really enjoy my job with Discovery, and I work with the most amazing people, especially the fantastic volunteers and staff team. I love how inclusive and diverse Discovery is and my role means that I can share my love of volunteering with other students.
Helo, Emma ydw i a fi sy’n gyfrifol am gyfryngau cymdeithasol a marchnata! Mae hyn yn cynnwys creu’r holl ddeunyddiau hyrwyddo, cysylltu ag adrannau a sefydliadau eraill, cynllunio digwyddiadau, rheoli ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol, a bod yn gyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer popeth Discovery! Rwyf wedi bod yn wirfoddolwr ers 4 blynedd gan gynnwys bod yn ymddiriedolwr, cydlynydd prosiect, llysgennad, a Llywydd, ac ni allwn adael! Rwy’n mwynhau fy swydd gyda Discovery yn fawr ac rwy’n gweithio gyda’r bobl fwyaf anhygoel, yn enwedig y gwirfoddolwyr a’r tîm staff gwych. Rwyf wrth fy modd â pha mor gynhwysol ac amrywiol yw Discovery ac mae fy rôl yn golygu y gallaf rannu fy nghariad at wirfoddoli gyda myfyrwyr eraill.

I am Discovery’s Volunteering Projects Worker. I am responsible for supporting the Project Manager in overseeing our community-based projects and helping our project coordinators with what they need. My role also involves creating a one-off volunteering programme that offers a wide range of volunteering opportunities. I first joined Discovery in 2018 as a volunteer and I love the opportunity to share my passion for volunteering with other students
Fi yw Gweithiwr Prosiectau Gwirfoddoli Discovery. Rwy’n gyfrifol am gefnogi’r Rheolwr Prosiectau i oruchwylio ein prosiectau yn y gymuned a chynorthwyo ein cydlynwyr prosiectau yn ôl yr angen. Mae fy rôl hefyd yn cynnwys creu rhaglen wirfoddoli unigol sy’n cynnig ystod eang o gyfleoedd i wirfoddoli. Ymunais â

As finance officer, it is my responsibility to ensure that Discovery’s financial admin is running smoothly and that every payment made to and from the charity is accounted for and reconciled against our bank statement. I also assist Eleanor with finding and applying to various grants programmes to fund our projects and operations.
I’m fairly new to Discovery, having only started in September 2022 alongside the final year of my degree, but I spent a year in industry operating an automotive corporate grants programme and hope that experience will come in useful here. So far, I really love the team dynamic at Discovery, as well as the commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and am excited to see how the year unfolds!
Fel swyddog cyllid, fy nghyfrifoldeb i yw sicrhau bod gweinyddiad ariannol Discovery yn rhedeg yn esmwyth a bod pob taliad a wneir i’r elusen ac oddi yno yn cael ei gyfrifo a’i gysoni yn erbyn ein cyfriflen banc. Rwyf hefyd yn cynorthwyo Eleanor i ddod o hyd i raglenni grantiau amrywiol i ariannu ein prosiectau a’n gweithrediadau a gwneud cais iddynt.
Rwy’n weddol newydd i Discovery, gan mai dim ond ym mis Medi 2022 y dechreuais ochr yn ochr â blwyddyn olaf fy ngradd, ond treuliais flwyddyn mewn diwydiant yn gweithredu rhaglen grantiau corfforaethol modurol a gobeithio y bydd profiad yn dod yn ddefnyddiol yma. Hyd yn hyn rwyf wrth fy modd â deinamig y tîm yn Discovery, yn ogystal â’r ymrwymiad i Amrywiaeth, Tegwch, a Chynhwysiant, ac rwy’n gyffrous i weld sut mae’r flwyddyn yn datblygu!
Our student and non-student trustees hold ultimate responsibility for the charity. They make sure we are working to fulfill our mission of bettering the local community. They oversee the work of the charity and hold legal responsibility over it.
If you’re interested in becoming a Discovery Trustee, we hold elections every April for multiple roles, more information available here.
Project Co-ordinators
Each of our projects is led by one or two project coordinators. These are volunteers that take on the additional responsibility of organizing everything for their project to run well and delivering our community activities.
We are currently looking for more project co-ordingatrors to make sure our projects get delievred to a high standard in the local community. If you are intrested in this position, theres more infromation available here.
Discovery couldn’t operate without the studentes which sign up to volunteer on our projects. Currently, there’s over 300 volunteers with us. If you would like to become a Discovery volunteer, click here to join!