Project Profile – The Vetch

/ April 7, 2020/ Uncategorized

Our roving volunteer Isabelle finds out what it is like volunteering at The Vetch . I spent a Wednesday afternoon going out with Discovery to The Vetch, which is a community garden in the city centre, on the grounds of the old football stadium. I met the rest of the group at the Discovery Office on Singleton Campus and we

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How you can help with Covid-19

/ April 5, 2020/ Uncategorized

We know that you may want to help out at the moment and there are a number of different ways that you can do this. When doing any of this volunteering please take care regarding your safety in terms of infection control and personal safety and make sure you are comfortable with what is being asked of you. Also please

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Project Profile – Remember Me

/ April 5, 2020/ Uncategorized

Volunteer Isabelle tells us all about volunteering at Remember Me I got the chance to go out with Remember Me on their Friday project. Remember Me runs every Thursday and Friday, and works with elderly people suffering with Dementia. On Thursday’s they spend time doing fun activities including bingo, reading, chair yoga, flower arranging and other themed things. On Friday’s

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Volunteer Story – MY ZAMBIA TOP 5

/ April 5, 2020/ Uncategorized

Megan tells us about her experince volunteering in Zambia as part of our Swansea Siavonga Partnership program. In July 2019, myself and 9 other students travelled to Zambia for four weeks of volunteering. We were to spend our time in Siavonga, a town in the Southern Province of Zambia, working with school children and women’s groups, alongside Zambian volunteers from

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Student Trustee Profile – Jarren, President

/ March 4, 2020/ Uncategorized

Jarren has been a volunteer at Discovery for 2 years, after being directed to join by the employability team, and has now worked her way up to being President. She began by taking part in the student ‘Give It A Go’ week which takes place every year, and is a great way to try out some projects and see what

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Project Profile – Age Exchange

/ March 3, 2020/ Uncategorized

I had the opportunity to go out with Age Exchange to observe and join in with their project. Age Exchange is a weekly project that runs every Friday, going out to care homes, or communal flats to work with elderly people in doing crafts, games and other activities. It used to be monthly, but the residents enjoyed it so much

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Student Trustee Profile – Caitlin, Secretary

/ March 3, 2020/ Uncategorized

Caitlin is a final year student, but she started volunteering for Discovery in her second year. Originally, she decided to volunteer to boost her employability as she wanted to do a placement year as part of her degree, but after beginning volunteering on a number of projects her motives shifted. Discovery is a student run and student led organisation, and

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Volunteer Story – Isabelle

/ February 12, 2020/ Uncategorized

Isabelle tells us about her expirence voluntering with Discovery and why you should too. I’m in my final year at Swansea University, studying American studies and English Literature. I’m technically in my 4th year as I spent last year in America studying at a university in North Carolina, which was an amazing opportunity. Before I left, I was quite a

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Welcome to our new staff

/ September 14, 2018/ News

Discovery recently welcomed two new staff to our office. Ben is our new project support worker and will be helping our project coordinators with organisation and generally helping us run our projects. Shaun is our new finance intern. He is on a year long placement and will be looking after our finances and well as being a helping hand in

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