Virtual volunteering opportunities over Christmas

/ December 16, 2020/ Uncategorized

Discovery Trustee & Ambassador Arjun tells us all what Discovery volunteers can get up to over the Christmas period. Wow, is it almost Christmas already? As the year draws to a close and most lectures and deadlines are done and dusted, I hope you are all enjoying a well-earned break over the upcoming few weeks, spending it catching up with

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Introducing your new Discovery student trustees

/ December 16, 2020/ Uncategorized

A huge congratulations to all the student volunteers who have been elected Discovery Trustees. And a big thank you to everyone who voted in the elections. Here is your new trustee team:- President- Emma Burton Secretary- Ilze Cimdina Treasurer- Jasmine Clark Non portfolio trustees:- Owain Brooks Caitlin Jones Felicity McKee Amana Baig Arjun Mahalingam Devarshi Raval #trustees #leadership #volunteering #swanseauni

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Festive Volunteering Guide

/ December 14, 2020/ Uncategorized

Would you like to make a difference over the holiday period? Then check out Discovery’s Festive Volunteering Guide to see what volunteering you can get involved in:-

Papers for Discovery’s AGM attendees

/ December 8, 2020/ Uncategorized

On Wednesday 9th Dec 6-8pm it is the Discovery AGM. Rather than sending out lots of papers by email, below you can find the ‘AGM Pack’ contents to download. *Please do not share this page link* If you have any questions, please contact Sian at Discovery:

Vote now for Discovery student trustees

/ December 8, 2020/ Uncategorized

Every year you the Discovery volunteers get to vote for the Discovery Trustee board. Trustees oversee the work of Discovery & have a meaningful say in the direction of Discovery and the impact it has on the local community so this is your chance to have a say in who should help run Discovery. This year the election will be

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Vote in Discovery’s trustee elections

/ December 3, 2020/ Uncategorized

Every year you the Discovery volunteers get to vote for the trustee board. Trustees oversee the work of Discovery & have a meaningful say in the direction of Discovery and the impact it has on the local community so this is your chance to have a say in who should help run Discovery. This year things will be a little

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The Discovery Podcast

/ October 31, 2020/ Uncategorized

Introducing the brand new Discovery podcast where you can find out all about volunteering, how to volunteer and Discovery’s latest projects with your host Jack & Listen to the Halloween Podcast where you can listen to all things Discovery and also learn some fun Halloween facts. Check out the Halloween Discovery volunteering Podcast here.

Project co-ordinators needed

/ July 29, 2020/ Uncategorized

‘Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?’ Martin Luther King Jnr Discovery is a student-led volunteer charitable organisation based in Swansea who runs a number of volunteering projects that help many different groups within Swansea. Discovery has been working in Swansea for over 50 years, helping the most disadvantaged people in the community: older

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Virtual volunteering

/ June 19, 2020/ Uncategorized

Olivia John, who has been on an Internship with us through Go Wales, tries out some virtual volunteering opportunities Discovery SVS have managed to secure many students with valuable work experience and volunteering opportunities without leaving the safety of tehir own home. The opportunities range from playing word games, to animal conservation, to even helping to cure diseases. Here are

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100 Days of Lockdown.

/ June 19, 2020/ Uncategorized

Olivia John, who has been doing an internship with us through Go Wales, writes about her first 100 days of lockdown. Being a student during lockdown is quite a scary experience, one minute you’re going to lectures, seeing your friends every day and going out, the next, you’re stuck inside, and life has been completely changed. Most students went home,

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