Empowering Change: Volunteering with Discovery’s Social Action Group

/ May 30, 2023/ Uncategorized

At first glance, the Social Action Group looks like any other group of friends getting together on a regular Thursday, to brainstorm ideas for art projects and putting those ideas into action, when it is in fact a group where disabled adults and students come together and carry out different volunteering activities each week. Their mission? To make the world

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Discovery Alumni

/ May 2, 2023/ Uncategorized

I’m Rosa, and as a Discovery intern I’ve been reaching out to Discovery alumni to see where they are now, and how volunteering helped get them there today, and the responses were astounding. I learned so much, and I’m here to share the wisdom with you all also. So many voiced how volunteering completely changed their career path, and this

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Friends of Singleton Park, one-off volunteering

/ March 14, 2023/ Uncategorized

My name is Rosa, I’m a student in my last year at Swansea University, and I’ve been interning with Discovery for a while now. Today, some of our amazing student volunteers and I went down to Singleton Park to meet with Vanessa and Rhiannon, who are two brilliant individuals who volunteer twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday for Friends

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Student Mental Health Day – Thursday 9th March 2023

/ March 7, 2023/ Uncategorized

For this year’s Student Mental Health Day, I think it’s important to demonstrate how volunteering can help you. Mental health is a topic that effects everyone, and life as a student can be stressful. It is important to make sure you’re setting aside time to give yourself a mental reset. For a lot of people, volunteering provides this opportunity. Not

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HEAR Award 2023

/ March 2, 2023/ Uncategorized

Did you know volunteering can involve not only giving up your time to help but also getting you rewarded and adding some spice to your CV? Volunteering with Discovery gives you the access to apply to earn the university’s HEAR award depending on the number of hours you’ve completed which is eligible to all students in the university! What is

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The Inspire Project

/ February 28, 2023/ Uncategorized

Hi, my name is Julia, and I am Project Coordinator for the Inspire Project at Discovery SVS. Volunteering is a fantastic way for individuals to make a difference; you will be able to improve your skills whilst engaging with the wider community. What I love about this project is the positive impact it can have on young children, allowing them

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Making Sense of Poverty Training

/ February 21, 2023/ Uncategorized

Poverty impacts every dimension of society, yet it remains a topic of misapprehension and vilification. Fairer Future offers training to anyone wanting to build their knowledge of poverty. Through the delivery of interactive workshops – “Making Sense of Poverty” – Fairer Future equips people with a factual understanding of what poverty means, enabling an understanding of the reality of living

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Student Volunteering Week – 13th-19th of February 2023

/ February 1, 2023/ Uncategorized

Student Volunteering Week (SVW) is an annual event that celebrates student volunteering in all its glory! This year, SVW is taking place from Monday the 13th to Sunday the 19th of February, and Discovery SVS has some amazing activities and training opportunities for you! We will be celebrating Swansea University’s student volunteers and the impact they have on the local

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