Age Cymru Befriender Week – Combating Loneliness

/ October 28, 2021/ Uncategorized

Back in June Age Cymru launched a service that allowed lonely individuals in need of a friend in Wales the opportunity to have a weekly telephone call. The phone calls for people in Wales 70 and over was created as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, lock downs and isolations meant a lot of people needed a friend.  Discovery is

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Trustee Elections

/ October 27, 2021/ Uncategorized

Why Become A Trustee ? Current student Trustee Devarshi tells us why students should stand as a Discovery Trustee. “I think all students should have the opportunity to become a Trustee because it provides an excellent opportunity to get involved in something they care about. I loved having a say in how the charity is run and working with new people,

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Big Night In

/ October 26, 2021/ Uncategorized

Big Night In Following the recent increase in spiking incidents occurring in the clubs around the UK, even here in Swansea, it is important to be aware of the problem and protect the vulnerable students. To spike a drink means to put alcohol or drugs into someone’s drink without their knowledge and therefore their permission. Spiking has become an epidemic.

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What is a Trustee?

/ October 20, 2021/ Uncategorized

Current student Felicity talks us through what is a Trustee A trustee is a volunteer who is part of the governing body of a charity and they are responsible for the general running of that charity. It allows you a chance to help shape the direction of charity and to see the real world impact of your work in action.

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Give It A GO Week

/ October 15, 2021/ Uncategorized

Croeso! Welcome to this year’s Give it a Go Week! What is Give it a Go Week you might ask? It’s a week-long event that showcases the many projects and volunteering opportunities available with Discovery SVS. The sessions run anywhere from an hour, to four hours and are taster sessions to get you started in the world of volunteering! This

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Discovery’s Training Programme 2021

/ October 8, 2021/ Uncategorized

The Discovery training programme for the Autumn term is now live! Our training programme is a great opportunity to gain skills and knowledge relevant to your volunteering, and generally to learn new things. The sessions are a mixture of awareness talks and opportunities to practice new skills, and will be held on Zoom unless otherwise stated. The programme is open

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World Mental Health Day

/ October 7, 2021/ Uncategorized

On Sunday 10th October it is World Mental Health. Volunteer Katarina Zigrajova has created these amazing infographics showing the impact can have on wellbeing.

The life of a Project Coordinator

/ September 8, 2021/ Uncategorized

Media intern Victoria Farrow talks to Discovery volunteer Bethan Hughes all about her time as a Project Coordinator. What is a Project Coordinator (PC) and what type of things do you do? A Project coordinator is the person (or people) who are responsible for maintaining the project. Their main roles involve organising events and outings, keeping volunteers and service users

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Looking for something to spice up your CV?

/ September 8, 2021/ Uncategorized

Media intern Victoria Farrow tells us how about how to apply for the Project Coordinator role within Discovery role and how it can boost up your resume with new exciting skills and experiences. What exactly is a PC role? The role of a Project Coordinator is vital in the Discovery team as they are responsible for leading groups of volunteers

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