Inspire: Summer Activity Pack

And that is a wrap! Inspire are finishing up for the summer and to make sure there is still plenty for you to keep busy with, we have created lots of different activities for you to do. You can do them all in one go, or spread them out and try a new one every week throughout summer! 

Hand Puppets

Making up and acting out stories are great ways to get creative and have some fun with your friends and family! And what better way to do this than with your very own puppets! 


DIY Volcano

We have another super fun activity for you to try at home, some might even say it’s a blast! With just a few ingredients, you too can make your own erupting volcano!



Breathe in…..and breathe out. Taking a moment to relax and breathe is super important, so we have put together some simple exercises that you can do in your home. 


Pom Poms

Pom Poms are such cute and simple things to make, and you can turn them into so many things! A small creature, a decoration, you can add it to clothes or make a key ring! The possibilities are endless!


Water Drenchers

These water drenchers are an amazing way to stay cool and active this summer! Why not grab some friends or family and head outside for this refreshing activity that can be reused over and over again!

Leaf Decorations

There are so many different patterns in leaves and plants, and pressing them into clay is a really cool way to see this! You could even try with shells or other objects, and once they are dry you can hang them up or give them to a friend or family member as a cool gift!
