STEM Micro Volunteering Challenge

STEM Micro Volunteering Challenge
Are you working in, teaching, or studying STEM?
We are helping our friends at Four Acres Academy, in South Bristol to inspire their Primary school aged children to consider careers in STEM. One of the most useful things we can do is help them understand the amazing, exciting range of things that people do in STEM.
The challenge
Can you make a 2 minute video briefly talking about what you do, why you love it and why you chose that career/ course of study, what if anything, you enjoyed about STEM in school. If you have an interesting Lab, study, workplace, equipment to show, even better (but not essential!)
It should be really short and sweet the aim is to spark imagination, exploration and discussion.
We don’t need fancy production, just a quick chat to your phone or laptop would work, maybe you and a colleague / someone else on your course could pair up and record each other or film a conversation?
How to get involved
Email telling us you would like to make a video and what you area of work or study is, we will then give you a bit more info and let you know how to submit your video.
Expressions of interest by – 1st of March
Videos submitted by – 11th of March