Discovery Student Volunteering Projects worker

/ May 12, 2021/ Uncategorized

We are looking for an enthusiastic, highly motivated person to support a wide range of student volunteering and one off volunteering projects. Salary: ,£19,645 Initially 3 year contract, extension subject to funding. Start date 1st September 2021, 35hrs p/w Application deadline: is 9am 7th June 2021. Please email your application to To apply for the post or to see the

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Disability Projects support worker intern

/ May 12, 2021/ Uncategorized

We are looking for a Disability Projects Assistant (intern) 70 hrs at £9.50 per hour. Days/times TBA during June & July The internship is open for current students & recent graduates of Swansea University. Application deadline: Friday 28th May 9am. Please email your application to The role will focus on our Supported Volunteering Call Scheme and our Active 18

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PenPal Project

/ May 6, 2021/ Uncategorized

The Covid-19 pandemic has had detrimental effects on social connections. There is a percentage of people who have been in isolation and lock downs alone, without even as much as a friendly conversation with someone, which can lead to loneliness and depression. Discovery recognised this problem and started up the PenPal project at the beginning of the pandemic, as we

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Discovery Student Volunteering Swansea is recruiting

/ March 29, 2021/ Uncategorized

Discovery Student Volunteering – Volunteering Project Manager (maternity cover) Discovery is a student-run, autonomous, charity based at Swansea University. Each year, more than 400 student volunteers deliver community-based projects to enrich the lives of the community around them, including a wide range of people facing challenges. Volunteering Project Manager • Salary: £25,181 • Duration: Maternity cover, 14 months, start date

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Build hope from a distance. Be a virtual volunteer!

/ March 24, 2021/ Uncategorized

At Discovery SVS we have a lot of types of volunteering that you can practice remotely including virtual volunteering. You can choose an activity that resonates with your hobbies or that you are passionate about. You can see all the virtual volunteering activities here. What does it mean to be a virtual volunteer? Virtual volunteering allows you to offer your

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/ March 22, 2021/ Uncategorized

Discovery has a whole range of interactive activities of volunteering that anyone can get involved in from home. These are not necessarily projects which entail any contact although this is an option there are a lot more virtual volunteering opportunities available today. Discovery SVS offers a range of remote volunteering projects. From creative activities for children and disabled & older

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The HEAR Award

/ March 19, 2021/ Uncategorized

Are you wondering how volunteering can assist in adding some ✨ spice ✨ to your CV? By volunteering with us at Discovery, you can apply to earn the university’s HEAR award based on the number of hours you’ve completed! What is the HEAR Award? The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) award is a university verified document that represents your academic and personal achievements within the

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Discovery SVS Fundraising Squad March Activities

/ March 19, 2021/ Uncategorized

For March 2021, our Fundraising Squad at Discovery SVS are fundraising towards ending homelessness with Crisis. Why Crisis? The Fundraising Squad have chosen Crisis as their cause this term as they felt that the pandemic had opened their eyes to how important having a place to call home is. Homelessness in the UK We know that right now across Britain,

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International Women’s Day

/ March 8, 2021/ Uncategorized

Today it is International Women’s Day. The theme this year is #ChooseToChallenge. A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can

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Why Students should Volunteer whilst at University

/ February 25, 2021/ Uncategorized

Congratulations, you’ve reached the milestone in your life of reaching university! Now I suppose you’re wondering what extra activities you can get involved in alongside your studies. Societies? A part-time job? Volunteering? We want to tell you about some of the benefits of volunteering whilst completing your studies. Meet New People & Socialise One of the most exciting aspects about

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