Volunteers’ Week 1-7 June 2022

/ May 24, 2022/ Uncategorized

What is Volunteers’ Week? Volunteers’ Week 2022 is a time to say thanks. It goes without saying that volunteers have played a key role in the pandemic response. During an exceptionally difficult couple of years, people from all walks of life around the UK have taken the time to volunteer and make a huge difference to their communities – just

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Discovery End of Year Social Event

/ May 23, 2022/ Uncategorized

Have you volunteered with Discovery this year? We want to show appreciation for all the amazing work our volunteers do by inviting you to a FREE pizza and games night! WHEN: Tuesday 31st May, 7-9pm WHERE: JC’s, Fulton House, Singleton Campus HOW: https://forms.gle/RJ1CpbXJbKsbiHecA Come and join us and celebrate and socialise with the rest of the volunteers from the Discovery

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Volunteering with Discovery Student Volunteering Swansea

/ May 18, 2022/ Uncategorized

If you are a Swansea University student or staff member join us and help your local community. Discovery SVS has lots of volunteer activities that you get involved in including befriending older adults, supporting well being, a homework club, a litter pick or helping children’s literacy. Volunteering with Discovery is a great way to make new friends, learn new skills &

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The HEAR Award 2022

/ April 4, 2022/ Uncategorized

Did you know volunteering can involve not only giving up your time to help but also getting you rewarded and adding some spice to your CV? Volunteering with Discovery gives you the access to apply to earn the university’s HEAR award depending on the number of hours you’ve completed which is eligible to all students in the university! What is

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Stress Awareness Month

/ April 1, 2022/ Uncategorized

What is it? Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. Despite this running for 20 years, we have got a long way to go.  Why is it important? Millions of us around the UK are experiencing high levels of stress and it

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Non-Student Trustee Profile (Chair) – Sian Impey

/ March 30, 2022/ Uncategorized

Hi! I’m Sian. I live in Mumbles with my husband, 2 teenage sons and a cat. I enjoy spending time outdoors and feel very lucky to live somewhere where I can walk, run and swim in beautiful surroundings.    I’m Head of the International Development Office here at Swansea University. It’s a lovely job as I’m passionate about international education

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The Supported Volunteering Scheme

/ March 30, 2022/ Uncategorized

The supported volunteering scheme started in 2014. The project allows disabled adults who are community members to get involved in volunteering with Discovery. The scheme gives the individuals support to allow them to volunteer in a range of our projects and one-off activities working 1 to 1 with one of our student volunteers. Before the covid-19 pandemic the project was

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Student Trustee Profile – Freya Michaud

/ March 25, 2022/ Uncategorized

Freya is the Project Coordinator for the Legal Innovation Lab Wales at Swansea University and is responsible for all of the communications, events organisation and administration for the project, ensuring all mechanisms behind the scenes are in place so the project runs smoothly. She hopes to bring these skills to her role in Discovery. She has worked in charities and

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Student Trustee Profile – Emma Burton

/ March 24, 2022/ Uncategorized

Emma is a fourth-year student studying Modern Languages (French, Spanish, and Italian). She is a part of the dance and musicians’ societies at the university and founded the Animal Therapy Society in her second year. Emma has a love for volunteering, especially when it involves crafts or cooking! Her favourite thing about volunteering with Discovery is working with the amazing

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